Gillespie Primary School
Gillespie Road, Highbury, London, N5 1LH
T: 020 7226 6840 E: EMAIL US
Gillespie Primary School | Our Values
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Our Values

We want Gillespie School to be a magical place for our children firing their imagination and stimulating their growth and development

Our school values and ethos:

At Gillespie School we believe that everyone in our community can grow to be a highly motivated life-long learner.

We provide a safe and vibrant environment where children and adults thrive on challenging and creative learning experiences.

We will equip everyone with the skills to achieve their full potential in a climate of mutual respect and personal responsibility.

We instil values that prepare children to play an active part in a modern, democratic and tolerant Britain.

“Growing together” at Gillespie means that we:

  • Treat everyone fairly and with respect
  • Believe everyone is special and has something to contribute
  • Work hard to achieve success and demonstrate excellence
  • Support each other to succeed and have fun
  • Celebrate our achievements
  • Recognise we are all life-long learners
  • Provide a broad, rich and relevant curriculum
  • Ensure the school is a safe and secure place to work and learn
  • Promote a healthy life style
  • Foster partnership with the wider community