Welcome to Gillespie Primary School’s website.
We want our children’s primary school experience to be an unforgettable and inspirational journey with us. We believe the journey for adults should be equally motivating, hence our school’s motto ‘Growing Together’.
I am very proud to be Headteacher of this vibrant and diverse school community. Our children come from a range of backgrounds and cultures and thrive in our unique school environment. The whole school and our partners work together to develop an innovative and creative learning culture for our children.
To our Muslim families ahead of celebrating #Ramadan this weekend, we wish you a blessed and holy month.
Year 4 visited @Waterstones in Islington to spend our #worldbookday2025 tokens!
Year 2 are learning about measurements and took metre sticks outside to learn how to measure length and height! #Maths
#HappyValentinesDay to our wonderful Gillespie community from Nursery class ❤️
Year 6 went to the @emirates Stadium for a #SaferInternetDay2025 event. They explored positive uses of tech and AI and identified how to spot scams and phishing online. They also went on a tech-themed stadium tour. #SaferInternetDay #SaferIsSmarter
For #InternetSafetyday 2025 year 4 explored online scams and used their detective skills to spot when something could be a scam. They then created posters with top tips to help other youngsters to spot clues that may suggest something is a scam. Here are some examples.
During Children's Mental Health Week all year groups had a go at different activities around the topic. This year’s theme was #KnowYourselfGrowYourself. It is so important we understand what makes us tick, our likes and dislikes, strengths, fears, hopes and dreams. #mentalheath
Year 5 and 6 got to take part in a BMX day with @MikeBMXAcademy (a World Champion in his field) this week. This was all thanks to our new titled TfL Explorers who have been lots of events about active travel. They got to see his skills in action as well as having a go themselves.
Year 4 had an explosive 💥lesson this week making volcanoes 🌋in the classroom. We watched as a chemical reaction took place between vinegar and bicarbonate of soda producing carbon dioxide causing our volcanoes to erupt. #Science #STEM
Over this week Year 5 have been celebrating #ChineseNewYear🐍. Some of them had a go at cooking a meal at home🍜🥟 whilst others learnt about the festival and what it meant to the culture including creating posters and bookmarks 🧧🐲🏮 #YearOfTheSnake
Congratulations to Thomas for winning a medal in cricket for player of the week! 🏅🤩
In science year 4 have been learning all about the digestive process. They worked in groups to produce models of digestion which got very messy. They were finding out what happens as food passes from the mouth all the way to the toilet.
Year 4 have been writing the opening to the Iron Man inspired by the work of Ted Hughes. They wrote their own effective sentences drawing on a range of vocabulary and making it their own. Here are three examples - enjoy!
Yesterday the children in Reception class were very excited to make their very own #rainbow salads! We had three parts to our salad: the base (veggies), the protein (beans, cheese, tuna or chicken) and the dressing (lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar or plant-based mayo).
This week in Nursery class we have been exploring our emotions with The Colour Monster. We have been labelling different emotions, talking about how they make us feel and giving each feeling a colour, just like the story. Today, we are all in the yellow zone and feeling happy! 💛
Year 4 enjoyed their cricket coaching this week and showed great team work. #teamwork #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #teamplayer
This week, Y6 have been exploring the Victorian street life art of Gustave Dore. They have been developing their sketching skills using dotting, shading, hatching and cross-hatching & then used these techniques to create lighter & darker tones in drawings. #History #pastlife
Year 6 were Imaginative Insects and Cooperative Caterpillars this week, sharing their wonderfully creative homework projects that were jam-packed with learning on the #Victorians! They did this as part of a class museum and learnt so much from each other. Well done Year 6!
Eco-Committee members planted their broad bean seedlings today. Meg has protected them with bubble wrap from the frost and Pete will kindly water them. Fingers crossed that they flourish.
This term Year 2 have been working with the amazing team @Sadlers_Wells. They put together a performance based on their learning about the Great Fire of London and were lucky enough to perform for families @Sadlers_Wells